bet8登录's CARES 工作人员 are dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment conducive to learning for students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及参观bet8登录校园的游客. 除了提供安全, 校园消防安全和应急管理, senior administrators of the Department conduct crime awareness seminars and personally assist students requiring police reporting, 响应, 或者其他帮助. This page offers preparedness and safety information to help our community make informed decisions in the community and on line.
参观学院 大流行应对站点 for the most up to date information on current health and safety expectations on campus.
Although much has changed about 纽约 since the start of the pandemic, 建议采取安全措施和提高安全意识.
Situational Awareness
Simply knowing what is going on around you is situational awareness and a critical step in individual and community safety. Situational Awareness也是一个决策过程. Thinking about what provides a sense of safety or interferes with sense of safety, 包括:光, 可见性, 一天中的时间, 人的存在, 对空间或bet8网页登录的熟悉, 分心, 或者其他背景.
Safety as a Community
Help ensure your safety and support a safe community by being familiar with these recommended tips:
- When traveling in a group, have a plan and do not leave anyone behind. Always tell someone where you are going and when you are expected back. 当第一次见到某人时, 和附近的朋友一起去, 在人多的公共场所见面. Have an exit plan, think about how (and when) you will get home.
- 走动时要小心, 尤其是天黑以后, 深夜, 和/或你不熟悉的领域. 使用人口稠密、光线充足的街道. Know where you are, where you're headed, and how to get there. 提前计划能让你更容易保持清醒.
- 时刻保持警惕,注意周围的环境. 无论是在拥挤的地方,还是在新的或熟悉的地方, it is important to stay attentive to what is occurring nearby and what options exist for getting assistance, 如果需要.
- Limit 分心 of constant cell phone and technology use, high volume of ear buds while traveling; lack of attention can create opportunity for someone intent on theft or can lead to missed cues of nearby incidents. Report observations - to the station attendant, after the fact to CARES or Columbia Public Safety. 分享信息很有帮助.
- 听从你的直觉, 如果你觉得不舒服, seek out a populated well-lit area such as stepping into an open store or restaurant. In Morningside Heights, look for businesses that display the Red Lion logo in their window. 如果你进入这些行业, 商家会帮你打电话给社区安全中心, 哥伦比亚的公共安全, 或者警察, 和你一起等保安的回应.
- 乘坐地铁时,不要坐在最后一节车厢. Look for the white and black “zebra board” above the platform, 哪个显示了列车员的车的位置. Look for the subway stations with the Green Bulbs at the entrance, these indicate stations open (a red bulb indicates exit only) Do not expose expensive items while in transit.
- Secure valuables (cash, cards, tech devices) in an inner pocket or within your bag. Have your fare available for your travel needs - whether using a metro card, Omny应用, 或者其他链接的支付设备.
- 注意 诈骗, 在人, 通过电子邮件, 在网上, 检查信息来源, seek clarification if something sounds too good to be true
- 在社交媒体上要小心, 想想你分享了什么, 当你共享位置时, 以及你社交媒体账户的隐私.
- 在给出你的电话号码之前要三思, address, 或者你最近认识的人的电子邮件地址. 要小心说出你的出生日期, 社会保险号, 或其他可用于身份盗窃的信息.
如果你迷路或没有办法返回校园, call CARES Response at 212-854-3362 and we will assist you in navigating your options. Make sure you save this campus phone number in your phone contacts directory for ease of use, 如果需要.
If you have questions or are in need of assistance, do not be afraid to ask for it. As residents of 纽约市, we live in one of the safest cities in the world. Using these safety tips will enhance your safety wherever you travel.
纽约.gov提供了更多的纽约市安全提示. Enhanced safety patrols are provided in Morningside Park with Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) Officers in the park daily.
有几个 Blue Emergency Lights located throughout the bet8登录 campus and nearby affiliated campuses to provide an immediate 响应 to you if you need help or if you feel threatened in any way. Call boxes have a red button and a blue light above the box. Look for the blue lights near campus buildings and in the lower-level tunnels of bet8登录 buildings.
在校园, bet8登录 社区安全 provides 社区安全 Officers (Security Guards) on campus patrol and Access Attendants 工作人员ing occupied bet8登录 Residential Buildings. The CARES 反应小组 assists with non-emergency (including matters that may include concerning experiences, time sensitive but not imminent threat of harm) campus needs and supports emergency 响应 on campus. 在晨边高地地区, 纽约警察局(NYPD)和, 在附近的公园里, the City of New York Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) Officers provide a safety presence. 哥伦比亚大学 Public Safety has Security 工作人员 patrol in and around Columbia buildings. 在周边地区, NYPD and PEP Officers continue to provide increased presence within and at the perimeter of Morningside and Riverside Parks in the 26th Precinct. This may mean a heightened presence of NYPD vehicles in the neighborhood, 有时他们的应急灯条闪烁.
哥伦比亚公共和社区安全部门, bet8登录, and Teachers College collectively maintain Blue Light Emergency Call Boxes at locations within and surrounding the greater campus area. 如果你需要帮助或以任何方式感到威胁, use one of these call boxes which connect directly to bet8登录's, 哥伦比亚的, 或师范学院公共安全系.
红狮安全港地点 can be found online to learn more about participating businesses in the Morningside, Manhattanville, 和哥伦比亚社区医疗中心.
交通方式 & 信息
需要一个安全、自由的选择来代替晚上独自行走? In partnership with 哥伦比亚大学, we now offer an on-demand ride share option through VIA拼车.
Bicycle Safety
出门在外时,请记住Bicycle Safety:
Bike rack locations on bet8登录's campus are located near the main entrance and inside the 119th Street gate (near the Diana Center). 哥伦比亚大学校园的其他地点.
电缆锁可以被切断. 如果你需要自行车锁, Columbia Public Safety offers discount Kryptonite Bike Locks at cost, 接受信用卡/借记卡. For more information or to set up an appointment to purchase, 请发送电子邮件至哥伦比亚大学犯罪预防小组: ps-crimeprevention@columbia.edu