bet8登录通过访问国际学生计划(VISP)与世界各地的大学保持合作关系。. 通过这些伙伴关系, students apply to spend a semester or year at our campus in 纽约市. VISP学生完全融入bet8登录的学术和课外社区,并住在校园里, generally in a double room and participate in the College meal plan. 他们对美国文理学院的运作有了广泛的了解, exploring the American model of undergraduate education, 与bet8登录大学和哥伦比亚大学的世界级教师一起学习和研究, while also contributing to the internationalization of the student body.
Collegio莱, 帕维亚大学
哥本哈根大学 与 丹麦留学学院
Yonsei University: Underwood International College
对这些院校感兴趣的学生可以联系他们的留学办公室获取更多信息. 申请截止日期为整个学年的3月15日,春季学期的9月15日. 学生将在5月1日(全学年)和10月15日(春季学期)之后被通知入学。.
Barnard also requires students to display English proficiency. 学生可能需要提交英语作为外语考试(托福)成绩。, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Duolingo English Test. 的 most competitive candidates for admission generally receive a score of 7.雅思成绩5分或以上, 托福成绩达到105分或以上, or a 135 or higher on the Duolingo English Test. 请注意,我们不接受托福基本考试,也不考虑托福的MyBest成绩.
Should an applicant not meet these scores at a minimum, her application will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Identify English as one of their first languages
- Have attended a school in which the primary language of instruction is English
- Earned one or more of the following subsection scores:
- 重新设计的SAT阅读和写作部分的成绩在700分以上(2016年3月开始)
- 29 or higher on the English or Reading sections of the ACT.
Once they are nominated by their home schools, students should submit their application materials, 下面所列.
A completed application includes the following documents:
- VISP应用程序
- A Curriculum Vitae (uploaded to VISP application online)
- 一篇描述你为什么希望bet8网页登录学院度过这学期的文章(500字以内)(上传至VISP在线申请)
- 护照识别页复印件(上传到VISP网上申请)
- 官方托福,雅思或多邻国成绩报告(仅限非英语母语者),发送至 visp@wwfood.net
- 一份正式的大学成绩单,寄到 visp@wwfood.net
- 高中成绩单(可选);
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from university professors, sent to visp@wwfood.net
一旦学生被通知入学, they will receive information on how to request a DS-2019 to apply for a J-1 visa.
For more information, please contact your home institution coordinator or email visp@wwfood.net.
所有签证学生都需要按照bet8登录政策和签证规定购买bet8网页登录学习期间的医疗保险. This comprehensive insurance will be billed automatically to each student.
请访问bet8登录书店 住宅生活 & 房地产网站 to view the current 住房 options and rates.
关于房间选择和宿舍生活的问题,请通过电话212-854-65561与住宿生活和住房办公室联系, 电子邮件: 住房@wwfood.net.
Please visit the Bursar's website to view the 膳食计划选择. All meal plan questions to the Bursar's Office at bursar@wwfood.net.
一旦你被接受为vip, 您将收到一封来自国际学生服务中心的电子邮件,其中包含有关签证申请流程的信息.
You will also receive your acceptance packet from 招生, which includes required forms and information on:
- 住房
- 餐计划
- 医疗表格和保险
- 设置你的bet8登录电子邮件账户
- 要带什么
- 到达的信息
You will not register for courses until you arrive on campus in January. Courses which VISP students are eligible to take while at Barnard include:
- 课程指定BC、UN、C、R、V、W
- 课程编号从1000到4999
- VISP students are not eligible to take classes in Journalism, 法律, Engineering (except for "的 Art of Engineering")
- 学生 may not register for more than two Business courses
请注意,欢迎你来 搜索课程 但是你应该计划在入学指导期间与你的学术顾问密切合作,制定一个合适的计划. 哥伦比亚大学的在线目录包括哥伦比亚大学、bet8登录甚至一些研究生院的课程. Remember, undergraduate students may not enroll in graduate school courses.
请参阅我们的 常见问题 for even more helpful information as you prepare for your semester at Barnard.
当他们第一次到达校园时,VISP学生将参加bet8登录的特别课程 新生迎新计划 这将使他们融入校园生活, 将他们介绍给bet8登录的其他新生,并解决VISP特有的担忧和问题. VISP扩展迎新项目是继bet8登录大学一般的新生迎新项目之后的项目, 在春季学期增加额外的课程,以帮助VISP学生适应bet8登录的生活. 这些bet8网页登录包括:
Welcome meeting specifically for VISP students
Individual 建议 Appointments with a faculty member or academic dean
Sessions on American Culture, Culture Shock, American Slang and Colloquial English
Sessions on Public Speaking, Writing Papers, Study Skills
Barnard Reach Out (BRO)- VISP学生将有资格在NSOP的最后一天参加各种社区服务项目. 这是开始熟悉纽约市各种社区的好方法, 去了解其他访问学生, and to meet other Barnard students and faculty/staff. 该项目以bet8登录大学著名的大一新生和转学生秋季入学培训项目为蓝本.
Prior to coming to Barnard, VISP students will be matched with a 访问ing International Student Ambassador (VISA), 我是bet8登录的在校生,有兴趣向bet8登录介绍VISP学生, 到大学, 然后去纽约. Ambassadors will be matched for the entire semester, and are available to the incoming students before the semester begins, 回答问题并给出建议.
All VISP students are eligible to take an American Language Course through 哥伦比亚的高山. Placement will be determined upon arrival; depending on TOEFL/IELTS scores, some students may be required to take a course through ALP.
Throughout the semester, VISP students will have the option of participating in:
- Monthly food and cultural festivals sponsored by VISP students from different countries, in collaboration with various Barnard offices and student cultural groups
- Sporting/Cultural bet8网页登录 on and off-campus
- 还有更多!
VISP students have access to the same services and support as all Barnard students, 包括但不限于:
I-20/DS-2019文件将使您获得bet8网页登录大学学习的F-1或J-1签证. I-20/DS-2019申请表 表格是可填写的吗. 请参阅我们的 详细说明 关于如何获得I-20/DS-2019的资格.
- 你的 I-20申请表
- 护照照片页复印件
- 财务文档
- 担保人的经济担保书表格 (如适用)
- F-1转让验证表 (如适用)
You must email your completed applications as 一个PDF格式的文件 to: IISP@wwfood.net.
一旦您的I-20申请被批准,我们将通过快递将I-20邮寄给您. 然后,您需要与离您最近的美国大使馆或领事馆预约申请F-1学生签证.
Once you've read the instructions carefully, 你可能会发现,除了上面公布的I-20申请表外,你还需要提交以下表格. 以下表格不能在网上填写, 所以你需要下载它们, 请填写, and submit them via email with your application.
F1转让证明: Please submit this form ONLY IF you attended another U.S. 中学或大学.S. college/university within the last six months.
相关的信息: Please submit this form ONLY IF you plan to bring a spouse and/or children with you.
担保人免费食宿宣誓书 在纽约市大都会地区:请提交此表格,只有当你将获得免费食宿赞助.
担保人的经济担保书表格如果你有担保人(父母或亲戚)在经济上支持你,请提交此表格. Each sponsor must complete a separate Affidavit of 支持 Form.
Questions about these forms may be directed to Office of International & Intercultural Student 项目 via email at iisp@wwfood.net 或致电212-854-1777. Remember, your application should be submitted as one file in PDF format